September Snack/Lunch Calendar
SNACK -Sept. 4 - Poptarts $1
Sept. 11 - Ice Cream $1
Sept. 18 - Pickles $1
Sept. 25 - Sweet Treat $1
LUNCH - Sept. 6 - Pizza $5
Sept. 13 - Spaghetti and Corn $5
Sept. 20 - BBQ (ChuckHouse) $5
Sept. 27 - Hotdogs with Mac and Cheese $5
All lunches are served with chips, drink and dessert.
Thank you for participating in the weekly fundraiser. This is how PTM provides for the needs of your children and teachers.
FACS Graduating Class of 2025
Introducing FACS Senior Class for the 2024/2025 School Year!
Kaelan Wilson, Bishop DeLong, Claire Brown, Annabell McVey, Abbie Smith, Josalyn Weathers, Bella Brown, Abby Vinson, Grace Wilson, Jonah Amason, Jaden Amason
Mission Statement
FACS exists to be an extension of the Christian family in training and developing the whole student for committed service to our Lord Jesus Christ through quality academic instruction, imparting Biblical values and providing activities designed to foster personal growth.
iOS Mobile App for TeacherEase
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To receive notifications, install the TeacherEase app and enable notifications.
Box Tops for Education
Be sure to download the App. No need to clip anymore--just scan your receipt.
Open Enrollment--Happening NOW
Open Enrollment is going on now at FACS. Come see all the exciting things happening at FACS and be a part of the FACS Family! See Quick Links for the link to a New Student Enrollment Application.